I have a collection that does not take up much space. I collect Elongated coins, I call them SQUISHED. The first time I got a squished penny was at the Statue of Liberty in New York City. There was a man with a hand cranked machine that looked like an old fashioned music box, I think that he had a little monkey with him like an organ grinder. It was in 1985. Everytime we travel I look for a penny machine. My family and friends know to look for them for me too. I have quite a few coins from all over the US, including Hawaii. This week Katie brought me 2 Euros from her trip to Germany. I have a dime, and several quarters. If you are ever looking for a present for me just find a pressed penny machine put in 51 cents and squish me a penny !
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My presents from Germany
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Random pictures from the last few weeks
March has been a very busy month, as you can see from my previous posts it started with my Dad's birthday on the 4th, then Jeff's birthday on the 5th, Charlies first birthday on the 6th, Leilani's birthday on the 11th. We had our annual St. Patrick's Dinner, corned beef and cabbage
I wrapped up the Girl Scout cookie sale for Cherokee County, finalized our woman's retreat for church, bought the house next door, worried about Katie traveling in Germany and London, hosted our "hometeam" this past Sunday and the month is not over yet.
Fashion Shows
I wrapped up the Girl Scout cookie sale for Cherokee County, finalized our woman's retreat for church, bought the house next door, worried about Katie traveling in Germany and London, hosted our "hometeam" this past Sunday and the month is not over yet.
Fashion Shows
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Leilani
Leilani was born on March 11, 2006

Dear Leilani, Papa and I pray that you have a Happy Birthday. It is hard to believe that you are 3 years old !! We will see you Saturday at your party.
Love you very much,
Grandma and Papa
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Happy Birthday Jeff
Tomorrow, March 5 is my son-in-law Jeff's Birthday. This picture was taken at his and Becky's wedding. Jeff and his two sons have been a wonderful addition to our family. Jeff loves the Lord and his family, I am proud to call him my son.
Happy Birthday Jeff !

Happy Birthday Jeff !
Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my Dad's Birthday. He was born
March 4, 1931. I am guessing that the first picture of him was taken about 1936, he is sitting next to the pitcher pump with his dog, I don't know if this is Winky or not. In this picture I think that Clara looks like my dad.
The next picture was taken in 1954 in Newburg NY, that is me on his lap. Do I look like any of the grandchildren?
This last picture of him and his wife Caryl was taken last year,
I love my Dad, I wish that he and I lived closer together.
He is very busy with work, he does engineering consulting and makes and repairs custom golf clubs . He is always doing something for the Masons, and he sings in the church choir. As a matter of fact this April he will be in a dinner theatre production with his church, I plan to go and see him. This
winter he shoveled too much snow !!

When warm weather comes he will be riding his Harley!
I hope that when I celebrate my 78th birthday I am half as active as my dad.
Happy Birthday Dad, I love you.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snow day
It would have been a little bit difficult to BBQ today. Take a look at our pool, it looks like a crater. I think this is the most snow we have ever had in Gaffney since living here. One of the first winters that we moved here we had a terrible Ice storm. Todays snow storm left a lot of people, including our factory without power. Our electric was off for about 6 hours last night. This was the first time that we missed our 4 wheel drive on our old Suburban. When we tried to move our cars to our driveway, they wanted to go sideways down Lyman St. we eventually got them in the driveway.
I would have loved to build a snowman, but unfortunately I am sick and I just looked and smiled at the snow. Sarah and Matt made a great snowman, I should have had them come to my house and build one for me.
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