Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my Dad's Birthday. He was born
March 4, 1931. I am guessing that the first picture of him was taken about 1936, he is sitting next to the pitcher pump with his dog, I don't know if this is Winky or not. In this picture I think that Clara looks like my dad.
The next picture was taken in 1954 in Newburg NY, that is me on his lap. Do I look like any of the grandchildren?
This last picture of him and his wife Caryl was taken last year,
2008 for his church directory.
I love my Dad, I wish that he and I lived closer together.
He is very busy with work, he does engineering consulting and makes and repairs custom golf clubs . He is always doing something for the Masons, and he sings in the church choir. As a matter of fact this April he will be in a dinner theatre production with his church, I plan to go and see him. This winter he shoveled too much snow !!
When warm weather comes he will be riding his Harley!
I hope that when I celebrate my 78th birthday I am half as active as my dad.
Happy Birthday Dad, I love you.


  1. I think Zoe looks like you. Happy Birthday Grandpa

  2. Loved the update. Great family, great pics.
